From Tim Cameron-Kitchen, Head Ninja @ Exposure Ninja

IMPORTANT UPDATE RE: Working personally with me on your digital marketing...

As you may be aware, at the start of this year I announced that we’d be running some marketing makeovers for a select few businesses. It’s been great fun, and it’s really reminded me how fun it is working personally with businesses to help transform their marketing.

And it got me thinking…

With all the insane success that our clients and contacts have experienced over the years, wouldn’t it be AWESOME to gather the most successful, most ambitious, most aggressive, hungry business owners, to share the inner workings of the most effective digital marketing in the market today? To work really closely with them on really dominating their industries and taking their game to another level?

Picture it: a small hand-picked super secret, closed-door, elite Dojo of business owners absolutely determined to take their businesses to a level above anyone else in their space. Big goals. Big targets. HUGE action…

Well, we’ve just started it...

The Exposure Ninja Mastermind...

So, what does this mean for you?

We have a few spaces remaining for businesses who are interested in applying to join the most selective marketing mastermind group in the UK. Check out the full details below:

If you're one of them, together we will:

  • Meet 6 times a year in ultra high-end locations (environment is important)
  • Brainstorm a level of business growth that your competitors would shrink away from
  • Share the most advanced digital marketing strategies that we’re using across clients and across each others’ businesses, and the combined millions per year of digital marketing spend.
  • Share our best connections to build each other’s networks
  • Set and smash huge targets for your business
  • Get monthly accountability and consultancy calls with ME personally
  • Get access to key Ninjas for more in-depth advice when needed.

AND best of all...

I'd like to invite you to meet me to discuss this, for FREE! However, there are two small conditions...

1. You need to be prepared to work hard!

If we’re going to work together in the mastermind over the next 12 months, you need to be 100% committed to growing your business through digital marketing.

People who are ‘comfortable’ or happy to ‘coast’ won’t work in the Elite Mastermind, so you might as well stop reading now - this is not for you.

We’re not looking for passengers. Every member will be driving their business growth, and it’s the collective energy of a group of people doing this which will encourage the group as a whole to ‘level-up’ their game. But if you can commit 100%, I'd love to work with you and help you transform your business over the next year.

2. You need to be committed to thinking bigger and 'playing a bigger game'

I spent some time recently meeting with Grant Cardone, whose companies do $140M/year in sales in addition to the $800M+ Property Portfolio he manages. He's built himself into one of the world's most influential social media users and is renowned for his '10X' approach to business and life.

The guy thinks on another level.

I asked him what he did to consistently level up. His answer?

"Get some new friends"

You see, top performers are always looking to associate with those at another level. It's how they recalibrate what's 'normal' to them.

Are the people you associate with regularly more or less successful than you?

As you may know, over the last 7 years I've become known as the "go-to guy" when it comes to increasing website rankings and driving more leads and sales online.

In fact, in Exposure Ninja, we have built a team of 100 from doing this, as well as generating tens of millions in online sales for our clients. My personal consultancy fee is £1k/hour, although I refuse almost all of these sessions because my schedule is so tightly packed.

So WHY am I looking for 12 people to join me in this mastermind?

There are two main reasons:

  1. You’ve heard the saying ‘you are the average of the 5 people you associate with’. Having spoken to many of our clients, it’s apparent that finding other ambitious, hard-working and committed entrepreneurs to network with is HARD. Want people to tell you that you’re doing great? Easy - family or friends will do that until you're sick of hearing it. But want someone to challenge you, inspire you, and motivate you to play a bigger game? Not so easy. If you’re going to fulfil your potential, you NEED to be associating with bigger players.
  2. Honestly, I actually LOVE being in this group myself. I looked for it and it doesn’t exist. We have clients doing 7, 8 and even 9 figures per year, so let’s get the most ambitious together and see how we can help you take your business to new heights in the next 12 months.

Now, to be clear, this is NOT a 'done for you' service. I will not be doing the work for you here. We will be working TOGETHER on strategy, goals and processes. The execution of the marketing will need to be done by your team, or the Ninjas here at EN if you’re a client. (BTW the mastermind is open to both clients and non-clients).

By the way...

Let me say up front, I HATE those hyped up programmes that promise you'll triple your business in the next 3 months by sitting on your backside and doing nothing. They're just not realistic. So I can not and will not make any promises here.

I'll do my bit by giving you strategies, processes, and working with you to design the marketing map, and YOU (or your team, or our team) will also need to put in the hours as well.

What I'd like to do is invite you to come and spend a day with me at East Midlands Conference Centre (for FREE) where I'll show you the "ins and outs" of how I work, so you can see for yourself what it's all about and decide if you'd like to join this elite group (all the details of this "Discovery Day" are at the bottom of this email).

What I can tell you, is that going from being a struggling professional musician to building a team of around 100 at Exposure Ninja, becoming a bestselling author and helping thousands of businesses grow with their digital marketing, I’ve had to master traffic and conversion as well as growing a 100% remote company.

Now I'm going to show you exactly how we've made millions through this business, and helped our clients make even more. This mastermind will give you everything you need to dominate your industry.

The mastermind members get to leverage my expertise, as well as the expertise of the team at Exposure Ninja, and - crucially - the other members, meaning they'll be fast-tracked to the sort of annual growth that your competitors can only dream of.

I’ve overseen a collective marketing investment well in excess of £10 Million over the last few years building ours and our clients businesses. That includes learning and honing the most effective traffic generation strategies, as well as testing how to convert people from visitors to leads and sales to find out what works and what doesn't. I've invested time and money in building an audience of over 20,000. So, clearly, the mastermind members will be expected to invest as well.

Whilst the investment won’t be anywhere near my usual £54K+VAT fee I'd normally charge for working with a private client at this sort of level, the investment will still be significant.

In return, if you follow the plan we build during the mastermind sessions, I expect you to achieve growth of 1.5-2X and make a minimum of £250K in additional sales (probably a lot more).

But as I already mentioned, before you decide whether or not this opportunity to work with me is right for you, I'd like to invite you to "discover" it all for FREE first.

So, I've decided to host a "Discovery Day" for interested parties at East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham on 9th October 2019. Please note that 2 of the 6 spaces are already taken, before announcing publicly.

At the Discovery Day, I'll show you behind the scenes of some of our most successful client campaigns, and I’ll also walk you through the previously unreleased marketing growth framework that I’ve developed after personally analysing over 2000 websites and marketing campaigns.

In the time we have together, I promise I won't hold back a single detail, because I want you to have all the facts.

Then we'll have a quick lunch (on me!) and in the afternoon you'll have the chance to ask as many questions as you like.

Finally, if you'd like to be considered to become a member of the mastermind, you and I will sit down together for a private 1- to-1 interview where we'll decide if this opportunity is right for you.

We'll start at 10:30am and I expect to wrap up around 4pm. A couple of points about the Discovery Day:

1. There are only 6 spaces available

Due to the personal nature of the day, I can only allow 6 people to attend each one. So, please do NOT attend unless you're at least very interested in this opportunity.

Having said that, you MUST attend if you want to be considered as one of the few people I'm going to allow into the Mastermind.

I can't be spending hours on the phone or going back and forth via email with each individual who's interested. That's why I'm running these Discovery Days! So I can take a few hours out of my calendar and explain everything to 6 people all at once!

So in order to be considered, you must attend. No exceptions.

2. It's free to attend.

However, to ensure the 6 places at each Discovery Day aren't wasted on time wasters (therefore denying serious candidates the opportunity) a fully refundable deposit of £500 is payable.

This is just to demonstrate your commitment. The way I see it, is if someone won't pay the £500 deposit to attend their Discovery Day, there's no way they'll be prepared to invest their time and resources in making the project a success.

And I don't want to show all the growth framework secrets to some 'chancer' who could go out there and rip it off!

When you attend your Discovery Day, there's no obligation whatsoever. If you decide this opportunity isn't right for you, your deposit will be refunded to you immediately.

If you'd like to reserve your place at a Discovery Day on 9th October 2019, just click the button at the bottom of this page to pay your fully refundable deposit of £500.

If you have any further questions before committing to attend the Discovery Day, please email me on [email protected]

Remember, there are only 6 spaces available on each Discovery Day. Once they have been snapped up, this opportunity will disappear forever!

So if you're at all interested, I urge you to read this page again and reserve your space on the Discovery Day today.

If you come along and the opportunity isn't for you... no problem! I'll happily refund your £500 deposit immediately. You really have nothing to lose.

Speak soon, Tim